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Interview with Caitlin Jones, et al.

Interview with
Caitlin Jones, Jana Grazley, and Scott Owens
Crystal Sanchez, James Smith, and Lauren Teal
May 29, 2013
Interview Category
Conservator Interview

Drawing of Caitlin Jones in profile

"Through my experience at the Guggenheim with the Variable Media Network, I met with so many people from Europe and other smaller institutions that were dealing with their collections. There was a lot of hand wringing and hair pulling about what to do. Of course, it is a huge issue, but for me, because of my experience, it was very easy to say, “There is precedence from smaller institutions in preserving their own collections.” We can do this; we can find the resources. We don’t have to despair. This is not an impossible task. We just have to figure out how we can scale it so that we can do it."

Until 2019, Caitlin Jones was the Executive Director of the Western Front Society in Vancouver, Canada. Prior to this appointment she had a combined curatorial and conservation position at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, and was the Director of Programming at the Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery in New York. A key member of the Variable Media Network, Caitlin has also been responsible for developing important tools and policy for the preservation of electronic and ephemeral artworks. Her writings have appeared in a wide range of exhibition catalogues, periodicals, and other international publications.

Jana Grazley is a Media Archivist at the Western Front in Vancouver, Canada, and a 2013 graduate of the dual Master of Archival Studies and Master of Library and Information Studies program at the University of British Columbia. Her research interests centre on the concept of the record, with emphasis on non-prototypical audiovisual records such as performance documentation, installation and exhibition documentation, and documentation of public events. Prior to coming to the Western Front, she worked with born-digital audio and video at the Museum of Anthropology, UBC, and as Program Director at CFUV 101.9fm, University of Victoria. She is committed to helping under-funded and over-stretched organizations find practical solutions to the management and preservation of analogue and digital cultural heritage.

Scott Owens is a Media Archivist at the Western Front in Vancouver, British Columbia and is in the process of completing a dual Master of Archival Studies and Master of Library and Information Studies at the University of British Columbia. His coursework has focused on digital preservation, digital records forensics, and the trustworthiness of records in digital and analog environments. His research and professional interests are focused on digital records, digital preservation, managing digital artwork, and metadata creation and management. Prior to the Western Front, he worked the Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery at the University of British Columbia and the Japanese Canadian National Museum.

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