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External TBMA Initiatives

External TBMA Initiatives

The field of time-based media art care and conservation has been active since the 1990s. Below are a selection of several major initiatives in the field since that time.

AMIA Open Source

The Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) actively maintains a GitHub repository with a variety of tools and resources, including a sub-section of time-based media art resources. Visit it for a list of past time-based media art conferences and symposia.

Electronic Media Group

The Electronic Media Group (EMG) is a specialty group of the American Institute for Conservation is a national organization for conservation professionals. EMG's goals are to preserve electronic art and to provide a forum for the building of knowledge in the preservation of time-based media and digital artworks. EMG provides session abstracts and articles on its website, and they have organized and sponsored the Tech Focus Workshops: Tech Focus 1: Caring for Video Art, Tech Focus II: Caring for Film and Slide Art, and Tech Focus III: Caring for Software-Based Art

Matters in Media Art

Matters in Media Art is a multi-phase collaborative project designed to provide guidelines for the care of media art. A resource for collectors, artists, and institutions of all sizes caring for works of art that have moving image, electronic, and digital elements.

Media Conservation Initiative

The Media Conservation Initiative is a project of the Museum of Modern Art. It seeks to advance new strategies in the field of time-based media art preservation and care, and includes a fellowship program, workshops, and knowledge-sharing resources.


Rhizome was founded as an online archive of digital art, and has since become a leader in the preservation and presentation of digital artworks. Its website offers documents on Rhizome's Digital Preservation and Cataloging practices including its web archiving software and its collection portal, the Artbase

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum

The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum was among the first institutions to formalize a time-based media art conservation program. Their website features several case studies, preservation models, sample documentation, and other resources.

Variable Media Network

The Variable Media Network was a seminal initiative in the time-based media art field, addressing the challenges facing museums and artists working with artworks created in ephemeral mediums. Its website features several case studies and the landmark documentation tool, the Variable Media Questionnaire.

Voices in Contemporary Art

Voices in Contemporary Art (VoCA) is dedicated to developing knowledge through collaborations between artists, art professionals and collectors that will ensure the preservation of contemporary art and provide educational programs. Its website offers a blog, the VoCA Journal, and documentation for its talks and workshops.

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