Songs of the American West Compiled and edited by Richard E. Lingenfelter, Richard A. Dwyer, & David Cohen. Drawings by Steven M. Johnson
Object Details
- compiler
- Lingenfelter, Richard E.,
- Cohen, David 1942-
- Dwyer, Richard A.,
- Unacc. melodies; includes chord symbols
- Contents
- Idaho / Frank French -- The dreary Black Hills / [words by] Dick Brown -- A trip to Rapid River / [words by] Hannibal F. Johnson -- Just from Dawson -- The Apex boarding house -- An honest miner / S. Lover, John A. Stone -- The happy miner / [words by] John A. Stone -- A miners' meeting / [words by] John A. Stone -- I want to make the riffle -- We came to Tamichi / [words by] Scott Judy and Doc Hammond -- The seven devil mines / [words by] H.F. Johnson -- Colorado home -- When I was a miner, a hard-rock miner -- Casey Jones, the miner -- The broken-hearted leaser / [words by] Charles E. Winter -- The Belmont Stopes -- I wandered today up the hill, Maggie / J.A. Butterfield -- The rustling song -- Bisbee's queen -- Cousin Jack -- I once was a carman in the Big Mountain con -- Drill, ye miners, drill! / Thomas F. Casey -- Only a miner killed in the breast -- Stand by your union -- The copper strike of '17 / [words by] Joe Kennedy -- The miner / [words by] Scottie -- The scab's lament / Charles K. Harris -- A scabby cousin Jack / [words by] Joe Kennedy
- Little adobe casa / [words by] Tom Beasley -- The Kansas farmer's lament / [words by] Will Howell -- Comin' back to Kansas -- But the mortgage worked the hardest / [words by] Will Carleton -- The Kansas fool / [words by] C.S. Whitney -- Dear prairie home / B.R. Hanby, Mrs. J.T. Kellie -- There comes a reckoning day / S.C. Foster -- Come, all ye toiling millions / H.C. Work, H.F. Johnson -- The hayseed -- The farmer -- Vote for me / Henry C. Work, Mrs. J.T. Kellie -- Harvest land -- The Swede from North Dakota -- Ta-ra-ra boom dee-ay / [words by] Joe Hill -- Overalls and snuff -- The harvest war song / [words by] Pat Brennan -- Tom Joad / Woody Guthrie -- Pastures of plenty / Woody Guthrie -- Fifty thousand lumberjacks, I -- Fifty thousand lumberjacks, II -- The frozen logger / James Stevens -- The tragedy of sunset land / [words by] Loren Roberts -- Them days is gone forever / [words by] O.L. Ufavise -- A dollar a day without board / [words by] Harry Norcross -- The San Francisco rag-picker / [words by] Fred Woodhull -- Ship out / [words by] Walquist
- Strike breaker's lament -- Solidarity forever / [words by] Scottie -- Come, come, ye saints / J.T. White, William Clayton -- There is a people in the West / [words by] William Willes -- Upper California / Edward J. Loder, John Taylor -- Deseret / Henry Russell, William Willes -- They cry 'deluded Mormons' / [words by] William Willes -- A church without a prophet / Edward L. Loder -- In the hive of deseret / John Davy, William Willes -- The handcarts, I / [words by] William Hobbs -- The handcarts, II / A. Hart -- the handcarts, III / S.C. Foster, Philip Margetts -- Early this spring we'll leave Nauvoo / [words by] Barnard White -- In 1864 -- The way they emigrage / [words by] William Willes -- Wish I was a Mormonite -- Brigham Young, I / [words by] J.W. Conner -- Brigham Young, II -- The Mormon king / [words by] G.W. Anderson -- The Mormon creed / [words by] William Willes -- Mormon love serenade / S. Riggs, Alfred Norton -- My wife has become a Mormonite -- In the midst of these awful Mormons / [words by] William Willes -- The cohabs / [words by] George Hicks -- The Mormon question
- The buffalo hunters -- Cowboy reverie / [words by] D.J. O'Malley -- The invasion song -- Home, sweet home / Henry Bishop -- The dying cowboy -- Little Joe, the wrangler / Will S. Hays, N. Howard Thorp -- The cowboy's lament -- The cowboy's dream / H.J. Fuller -- Charlie Rutledge / [words by] D.J. O'Malley -- When work is done this fall / [words by] D.J. O'Malley -- I've got no use for the women -- Utah Carroll -- Only a cowboy -- Blood on the saddle -- The Kansas emigrant / [words by] John Greenleaf Whittier -- Western home / Brewster Higley, Daniel E. Kelley -- Home on the range -- Immigration song -- The old bachelor / [words by] A.L. Stokesberry -- Kansas jayhawker / T.A. Metz -- Kansas boys -- In Kansas -- Starving to death on a government claim / [words by] Frank Baker -- Nebraska land / [words by] John A. Dean -- Kansas land, I -- Kansas land, II -- The little old sod shanty on the claim, I / Will S. Hays -- Answer to the little old sod shanty on the claim -- Answer to the answer to the little old sod shanty on the claim -- The little old sod shanty on the claim, II
- The cowboy, I / [words by] Allen McCandless -- The cowboy, II -- The cowboy's life -- The dreary, dreary life -- The cowboys' Christmas ball / [words by] Larry Chittenden -- A busted cowboy's Christmas / [words by] D.J. O'Malley -- Windy Bill -- Bow-legged Ike -- Tying knots in the devil's tail / [words by] Gail I. Gardner -- High Chin Bob / [words by] Charles Badger Clark -- Git along, little dogies -- The old Chisholm trail -- John Gerner's trail herd -- The hills of Mexico -- Lone star trail -- The railroad corral / [words by] Joseph M. Hanson -- I ride an old paint -- Goodbye, old paint -- Night-herding song / [words by] Harry Stephens -- If your saddle is good and tight -- Chopo / [words by] N. Howard Thorp -- The gal I left behind me -- The rambling cowboy -- The trail to Mexico -- Brown-eyed Lee -- Sky ball paint -- Speckles / [words by] N. Howard Thorp -- Bucking bronco -- The zebra dun -- A border affair / [words by] Charles Badger Clark -- The campfire has gone out -- The Wyoming nester -- The old cowboy / [words by] Charlie Johnson -- The range of the buffalo
- The desert route / [words by] Levi W. Hancock -- The Sonora filibusters / N. Kneass, John A. Stone -- Our leaky tents / George F. Root -- There is no work in the army -- Old Arizona again -- It's a long, long way to Capture Villa -- When we go marching home / H.C. Work -- John Chinaman -- Josh, John -- John Chinaman, my Jo / J. Watson, J.W. Conner -- John Chinaman's appeal / [words by] Mart Taylor -- John Chinaman's marriage -- Hay sing, come from China -- Twelve hundred more -- Long John, Chineeman -- Since the Chinese ruint the thrade -- Get out, yellow-skins, get out! -- What was your name in the states? -- Quantrell -- Sam Bass -- Joaquin the horse-thief / [words by] John A. Stone -- Billy the kid -- Cole Younger -- Portland County jail -- Experience -- Pretty boy Floyd / [words by] Woody Guthrie -- The Texas cowboy -- I want to be a cowboy / [words by] D.J. O'Malley -- Yellowstone flat -- The captain of the cowboys -- Top hand -- The jolly vaquero -- The horse wrangler / [words by] D.J. O'Malley -- Old time cowboy
- The Mormons in the mountains / [words by] William Willes -- The Mormon du dah song / S.C. Foster -- All are talking of Utah / H.C. Work -- The mountain meadows massacre -- Uncle Sam and the Mormons / [words by] John J. Davies -- The Mormon bishop's lament -- The Mormon car / [words by] John Taylor -- The merry Mormons / [words by] Matthew Rowan -- Sea gulls and crickets -- Home manufactures / [words by] William Willes -- Once I lived in Cottonwood / [words by] George A. Hicks -- Early life in Dixie / [words by] Samuel Kenner -- St. George -- The boys of Sanpete County / G.F. Root -- Tittery-irie-aye -- The Sioux Indians -- The Indian ghost dance and war / [words by] W.H. Prather -- The ride of Paul Venarez / [words by] Eben E. Rexford -- Plantonio, the pride of the plains -- The Texas rangers -- The disheartened ranger / [words by] M.B. Smith -- The dying ranger -- A fair lady of the plains -- Custer's last charge -- The regular army, o! / [words by] Ed Harrigan -- Mustang gray -- The Mormon battalion / [words by] Azariah Smith
- The railroad cars are coming / [words by] Robert Snell -- Subsidy : a Goat Island ballad -- The iron horse -- Echo Canyon -- Bishop Zack, the Mormon engineer / [words by] S.L. Samson -- Way out in Idaho -- The wandering laborer's song -- The Peninsula Pike / [words by] Charley L. Grant -- Casey Jones, the union scab / [words by] Joe Hill -- Seeing the elephant / D.D. Emmett, D.G. Robinson -- Hunting after gold / [words by] John A. Stone -- The gold digger's lament -- Prospecting dream / S.C. Foster, John A. Stone -- California ball / G.P. Knauff, John A. Stone -- Joe Bowers / J.E. Johnson, John Woodward -- The lousy miner / [words by] John A. Stone -- California as it is / [words by] Thaddeus W. Meighan -- California bloomer / W. Whitlock, John A. Stone -- California Joe / Hector A. Stuart -- When I went off to prospect / J. Brougham, John A. Stone -- San Juan / [words by] Barney Riley -- Cherry Creek emigrant's song / D.D. Emmett -- A hit at the times / [words by] A.O. McGrew -- In the summer of sixty -- A trip to Salmon / D.D. Emmett, Max Irwin
- The suckers sadly gather / [words by] Richard Brazier -- It's a long way down to the soup line / [words by] Joe Hill -- Go to sea no more -- The ballad of Bloody Thursday -- Hallelujah, on the bum / [words by] Harry McClintock -- The bum on the stem -- The great American bum -- The Big Rock Candy Mountains, I / [words by] Harry McClintock -- The Big Rock Candy Mountains, II -- Hard travelin' / Woodie Guthrie -- The dying hobo -- The hobo's last ride -- Oh, you wobblies / [words by] Scottie -- The preacher and the slave / J.P. Webster, Joe Hill -- When you wear that button / [words by] Richard Brazier -- Scissor Bill / Leighton bros., Joe Hill -- We're bound for San Diego -- Harry Orchard -- Joe Hillstrom / [words by] Woody Guthrie -- The old settler / [words by] Francis D. Henry -- Great-grand-dad -- The days of '49 / arr. E. Zimmer, [words by] Charles Rhoades (Bensell) -- The good old days of '50, '1, and '2 / [words by] J. Riley Mains -- This is the place / [words by] Myron Crandall -- The little old sod shanty in the West / [words by] O.E. Murray -- When I was a cowboy / [words by] Leadbelly -- Do re mi / Woody Guthrie
- To the West / Henry Russell, C. McKay -- To the West : a parody -- Hell in Texas -- Ho! for California! / D.D. Emmett, J. Hutchinson -- I'm off for California / S.C. Foster -- The rolling stone -- Westward ho -- Coming around the horn / L.V.H. Crosby, John A. Stone -- The fools of '49 / [words by] John A. Stone -- Oh, California / S.C. Foster, J. Nichols -- A ripping trip -- Humbug steamship companies / [words by] John A. Stone -- Sacramento -- The dying Californian / Ball and Drinkard -- Crossing the plains / [words by] John A. Stone -- O if I was at home again / [words by] John P. Grantham -- Sweet Betsey from Pike / [words by] John A. Stone -- Emigrant from Pike / [words by] John A. Stone -- Arrival of the greenhorn / [words by] John A. Stone -- Johnny's dead -- The pioneer stage driver / [words by] Charley Rhoades -- California stage company / J.R. Myers, John A. Stone -- The overland stage driver / [words by] Nat Stein -- The bull-whacker -- Bill Peters, the stage driver -- Pete Orman / [words by] Asher -- Freighting from Wilcox to Globe
- 1968
- Call number
- M1629 .L75
- M1629.L75
- Type
- Scores
- Songs and music
- Chansons folkloriques
- Folk music
- Folk songs
- Music
- Musique noteĢe
- Musique
- Notated music
- Partitions (Musique)
- Songs
- Physical description
- 1 score (xii, 595 pages) illustrations 29 cm
- Place
- West (U.S.)
- West United States
- Smithsonian Libraries
- Topic
- Folk music
- Folk songs, English
- Record ID
- siris_sil_9231
- Metadata Usage (text)
- CC0