John Minor Wisom Courthouse Rooftop Figures: Northwest Corner, (sculpture)
Object Details
- architect
- Rogers, James Gamble 1867-1947
- carver
- Piccirilli Brothers Marble Carving Studios
- Carroll, Bill, 2008
- Summary
- One of four rooftop sculptures each depicting a group of four allegorical female figures seated around an armilary sphere. The figures represent: History wearing a bonnet, Agriculture holding a cornucopia, Industry holding a tool, and the Arts holding a flower. The figures are seated with their backs turned toward an armilary sphere adorned with a band of zodiac figures. The four rootop sculptures are installed on each of the four corners on the roof of the courthouse.
- Modeled: 1910-1911. Installed 1912
- Control number
- IAS 78410002
- Type
- Sculptures
- Sculptures-Outdoor Sculpture
- Medium
- Copper repousse
- Owner/Location
- Administerd by United States General Services Administration Public Buildings Service Washington District of Columbia 20405
- Located John Minor Wisdom Courthouse 600 Camp Street Rooftop, Northwest Corner New Orleans Louisiana 70130
- Title
- History, (sculpture)
- Agriculture, (sculpture)
- Industry, (sculpture)
- Arts, (sculpture)
- Ladies, (sculpture)
- Art Inventories Catalog, Smithsonian American Art Museums
- Topic
- Allegory--Arts & Sciences--History
- Allegory--Arts & Sciences--Agriculture
- Allegory--Arts & Sciences--Industry
- Allegory--Arts & Sciences--Art
- Record ID
- siris_ari_409594
- Metadata Usage (text)
- Usage conditions apply