Statement From the Secretary to Smithsonian Staff About Orlando
I write to you about yesterday’s tragic and disturbing events in Orlando. My heart is with those killed or injured and their families and friends as well as our Smithsonian colleagues with family and friends in Orlando. I am sad beyond description and outraged by these senseless acts of brutality and hate.
As President Obama said yesterday, "…this is a sobering reminder that attacks on any American—regardless of race, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation—is an attack on all of us and on the fundamental values of equality and dignity that define us as a country. And no act of hate or terror will ever change who we are or the values that make us Americans.”
Despite my sadness, I am proud of, and take hope in, the way the Smithsonian community supports each other every day, regardless of our backgrounds and, most pointedly this weekend, our sexual orientations.
Throughout the years, the Smithsonian has worked to celebrate all of humanity, recognizing the LGBT community and its contributions to America. We do this because we know that the members of the LGBT community are full members of the American family as are all other people and groups that make America what it is.
Our message of embracing diversity in all of its facets is more necessary now than ever. Across the Smithsonian, we strive to make our workplace respectful to all and free of harassment and discrimination. Our commitment to make the Smithsonian a place where all Americans can come together, see themselves in what we do, and be themselves, is stronger than ever.
I ask that we keep in our thoughts all those in Orlando and any place where people are victims of hate.
David Skorton