Smithsonian Associates Streaming Offers World Art History Certificate Program

January 14, 2021
News Release
Degas painting of young ballerinas practicing ballet

Edgar Degas, "The Dance Class," 1874, Oil on Canvas.

Smithsonian Associates—the world’s largest museum-based education program—offers its popular World Art History Certificate Program online for the first time. Under the guidance of expert teachers, participants can expand their knowledge and appreciation of art through programs presented on Zoom year-round that examine the major creators, movements and historical periods that shaped art across civilizations and centuries.

In a flexible, personalized approach, participants choose the courses that speak to their own interests and complete the program requirements at their own pace. The wide-ranging offerings are designed to provide a global perspective on art and architecture and draw on the Smithsonian’s world-class collections and the rich resources of other institutions.

There are many opportunities designed for art lovers throughout the winter and early spring: Among the credit-carrying Smithsonian Associates Streaming offerings are programs on Degas, Matisse, Alphonse Mucha and Chagall; the arts of Islam; the contemporary art market; art nouveau and surrealism; the muses who inspired the Impressionists; and a series of “Art-full Friday” excursions into the glories of Italian art and architecture led by an art historian live from Tuscany.

Participants select four core courses and six electives from among Smithsonian Associates’ courses, seminars, study tours and studio art classes. Each carries a credit value of one point or one-half point. A total of 10 points is needed to complete the certificate program. There is a $25 fee to register in the certificate program. All participants pay the applicable advertised price for each program, study tour or studio arts class they select. Tickets and information are available at

For 55 years, Smithsonian Associates has produced vibrant educational and cultural programming that brings the Smithsonian to life. Inspired by the Smithsonian’s research, collections and exhibitions nearly 1,000 public programs spark creativity and excite learning in people of all ages each year.

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