The Smithsonian Associates Presents “A Conversation with Antonin Scalia”
The Smithsonian Associates presents an evening with Antonin Scalia Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2013, at 7 p.m. at George Washington University’s Lisner
Auditorium, 730 21st St. N.W. Scalia will discuss his time on the Supreme Court, memorable and meaningful cases and his working life as an associate justice with Nina Totenberg, NPR’s legal affairs correspondent.
After taking his seat on the Supreme Court in 1986, Scalia quickly became known as one of the most powerful communicators on the bench, producing forceful and colorful oral arguments and written decisions. The audience will have a rare opportunity to get a more personal glimpse of a man who has been described as “the Supreme Court’s wittiest and most outspoken justice.”
Ticket prices for the Smithsonian presentation are $45 for general admission and $35 for Associate members. For tickets and information, the public may call (202) 633-3030 or visit
The Smithsonian Associates offers life-enriching, educational and cultural experiences inspired by the Smithsonian’s exhibitions, collections and research. Each year The Smithsonian Associates creates and presents more than 750 individual programs that deliver exceptional opportunities for learning and growth. Programs range from lectures on a multitude of topics to the performing arts for audiences of all ages, in the Washington, D.C., area and across the country.
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Lauren Lyons