Festival Is Dedicated to Well-Being in Asian American and Asian Diasporic Communities—and Celebrates Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
“No More Segregated Education,” print of 1964 photograph by Frank Espada. Collection of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture purchased with funds provided by the Smithsonian Latino Initiatives Pool, administered by the Smithsonian Latino Center. Copyright Estate of Frank Espada.
Mosul Cultural Museum Director Zaid Ghazi Saadallah (right) and Head of Conservation Saad Ahmed (left), examine the cenotaph of Imam Yahya b. Al Qasim (carved in 1239) as part of a joint Iraqi-Smithsonian survey of damage after ISIS occupation. Photo by Sebastian Meyer for the Smithsonian Institution.
Visitors at the Anacostia Community Museum’s 2023 Honor the Earth Celebration plant the museum’s garden to start the spring season. Credit: Matilong Duma.
Part of a Five-Year Series of May Programming Sponsored by Bank of America That Celebrates Asian American and Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Opal Lee by Sedrick Huckaby, oil on canvas, 2023. National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution; acquired through the generosity of Sasha and Edward P. Bass. Copyright 2023 Sedrick Huckaby.
Arcadia, California. Persons of Japanese ancestry arrive at the Santa Anita Assembly center from San Pedro, California. Evacuees lived at this center located at the former Santa Anita racetrack before being moved inland to relocation centers, April 5, 1942.