New Hedgehogs: Lead scientist Arlo Hinckley

Daniel Hinckley.
December 21, 2023
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Man in a backwards cap, pants, and long sleeve shirt crouches down in forest with clear container and red latex gloves.
Daniel Hinckley.

Arlo Hinckley, the study’s lead author and a Margarita Salas Postdoctoral Fellow at the National Museum of Natural History and the University of Seville, sampling soft-furred hedgehogs and other small mammals at the montane forest of Mount Trus Madi, Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia, July 2016.

“We were only able to identify these new hedgehogs thanks to museum staff that curated these specimens across countless decades and their original field collectors,” Hinckley said. “By applying modern genomic techniques like we did many years after these hedgehogs were first collected, the next generation will be able to identify even more new species.”

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