KanKouran West African Dancers 2

Photo: Ernesto Amoroso
December 19, 2012
Media Photo/Video

Photos for News Media Use Only

Photo: Ernesto Amoroso

KanKouran West African Dancers performing on Jan. 19, 2009 at the “Out of Many: A Multicultural Festival of Music, Dance, and Story” program at the Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian's Potomac Atrium
 in Washington, D.C. A Washington area institution, KanKouran West African Dance Company was founded in 1983 to introduce African dancing and drumming to American audiences. In the Mandingo culture of Senegal, KanKouran is a spiritual guide who teaches youth the meaning of manhood and womanhood. True to this spirit, the dance company works extensively with young people through its youth groups and children’s classes.