“Solidarity Now! 1968 Poor People’s Campaign”
Resurrection City: Quick Facts
43: Days that Resurrection City lasted on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.
15: Acres covered by Resurrection City
13,000: Miles traveled by nine regional caravans to Washington, D.C.
3,000: People living in Resurrection City during first three weeks (peak occupation)
6,220: Registered members of Poor People’s Campaign
50,000: Attendees at Solidarity Day
337: People arrested on last day of Resurrection City
2: Weeks to build Resurrection City
540: Tents built in Resurrection City
15: Minutes to assemble a prefabricated A-frame shelter with a three-person team
90: Minutes for police to evacuate and shut down Resurrection City
20013: Zip code for Resurrection City
60: Children enrolled in the Head Start program at Resurrection City
3,840: Patient visits to the free medical and dental facilities
185,000: Free meals served in the dining tent
300: Gallons of paint used to make signs and decorate shelters
7.36: Inches of rainfall in Resurrection City
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Jennifer Schommer