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- The Hope Diamond,, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC
- (2009) Bombarded with ultraviolet light, the blue Hope diamond glows red, Smithsonian Insider, Washington, DC
- (2008) New Research at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History Reveals Insight into Hope Diamond's Fiery Red Glow, Smithsonian Press Release, Washington, DC
- Balfour, I. (1997) Famous Diamonds. Christie, Manson and Woods, Ltd., London.
- Carlyle, T. (1900) The French Revolution. 2 vol. Reprinted by Arden Library, Darby, PA
- Crowningshield, R. (1989) Grading the Hope Diamond.Gem & Gemology, vol. 25, no. 2.
- Fowler, Marian. (2002) Hope: Adventures of a Diamond. NY: Ballantine Books.
- Gates, H.L. (1921) The Mystery of the Hope Diamond. International Copywrite Bureau, N.Y.
- Krashes, L. (1988) Harry Winston, The Ultimate Jeweler, 3rd ed. Harry Winston Inc., N.Y., & Gemological Institute of America, Santa Monica, CA
- Kurin, R. (2006) Hope Diamond: The Legendary History of a Cursed Gem, Harper Collins, NY
- McLean, E.W., & Sparkes, B. (1936) Father Struck it Rich. Reprinted by Arno Press, NY
- Mitford, N. (1966) The Sun King. Harper and Row, NY
- Patch, S.S. (1999) Blue Mystery: The Story of the Hope Diamond. Harry Abrams, NY
- Post, J.E. (1997) The National Gem Collection. Harry Abrams, NY
- Twinning, E. F.& Twinning B. (1960) History of the Crown Jewels of Europe. B.T. Batsford, London
- Winters, M.T., & White, J.S.(1991) George IV's Blue Diamond. Lapidary Journal, vol. 45, nos. 9 & 10