Doing Business with Smithsonian

Supplier Diversity Program

How to Get Started

All prospective contractors for goods or services to the Smithsonian Institution must complete System for Award Management (SAM) registration. 

If assistance is needed with the registration process, businesses are encouraged to contact the Federal Services Desk by phone at 866.606.8220 or 334.206.7828. Another source for assistance with the SAM registration process are Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (PTACs), which are federally funded, state-run centers. Each state has at least one center, and PTAC assistance is free and available to all businesses. The nearest PTAC can be found through the Association of Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (APTAC) website.

Register in the Smithsonian Small Business Database

The Smithsonian believes in and is committed to the advancement of small business enterprises including those owned by women, minorities, veterans, and service-disabled veterans . In an effort to better serve these business communities the Smithsonian has created an on-line vendor profile database that will allow current and prospective vendors the opportunity to input their company information into Smithsonian's Small Business Database. The on-line registration form should be viewed as a marketing tool only, and not as a guarantee for receiving solicitations or contract awards.

New Vendor Registration Form

Doing Business with the Smithsonian Quick Tips

Contracting Opportunities

  • Active Smithsonian Procurement notices are posted on the Federal Business Opportunities website.
  • The current Forecast of Procurement Contracting Opportunities can be found by going to FY 2024 Forecast.
  • Information on small business participation on construction and procurement opportunities for the Smithsonian American Women's History Museum can be found on the museum's website.  
  • Information on small business participation on construction and procurement opportunities for the National Museum of the American Latino can be found on the museum's website.

What the Smithsonian Buys

Outreach Events

More information coming soon!

To be considered for the next upcoming SDP Small Business Showcase, you may email your company’s capabilities statement to: