Natural History

Explore Science & Nature
A Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton poses as it attacks a Triceratops.

Smithsonian scientists and researchers work to understand the natural history of Earth. They explore how the Earth and its inhabitants have changed and adapted over time. They explore questions about plants, animals, and other organisms—including humans—in their natural environments. Aiding researchers across the globe, the National Museum of Natural History maintains and preserves the world’s most extensive collection of natural history specimens.


Anthropology is the study of humans and their societies in the past and present. Research at the National Museum of Natural history spans from the emergence of our earliest ancestors to the ways communities sustain their cultures today. The Smithsonian's Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage's curators and scholars draw from anthropology, folklore, ethnomusicology, and a broad range of cultural studies to promote greater understanding and sustainability of cultural heritage across the United States and around the world.