Astronomers Reveal Largest Collection of Comets Outside Earth’s Solar System Ever Found

This gallery contains 74 images of different star systems with cometary belts (known as “exocomets”) taken with the Submillimeter Array (SMA) and the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter (ALMA) radio telescope facilities. The stars in this study range in ages from very young to middle-aged like our Sun. This new study shows how comets play a role in the formation of stars and planetary systems. Credit: Luca Matra.
Astronomers from the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard and Smithsonian (CfA), and its Submillimeter Array (SMA), were critical for identifying a cache of belts surrounding other stars beyond the sun where comets may reside. Regions around 74 stars spanning a wide range of ages were revealed—from those recently formed to others billions of years old—showing how comets play a role in the formation of stars and planetary systems. A paper describing these results appeared in the January 2025 issue of Astronomy & Astrophysics journal.
To find evidence for comets outside Earth’s solar system (called “exocomets”), astronomers turned to two facilities that detect particular bands of radio waves. Because of the size of the dust and rocks in these belts, radio wave detection is particularly effective at finding and imaging these structures.
A joint program between SMA and the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) dubbed REASONS (REsolved ALMA and SMA Observations of Nearby Stars) marks a significant milestone in the study of exocometary belts because its images and subsequent analysis reveal where the pebbles and the exocomets are located.
In these regions, it is so cold (-250 to -150 degrees Celsius) that most compounds on these exocomets, including water, are frozen. The astrophysicists are observing where the ice reservoirs of planetary systems are located.
“Exocomets are boulders of rock and ice, at least a kilometer in size, which smash together within these belts to produce the pebbles that we observe here with the ALMA and SMA arrays of telescopes,” said Luca Matrà of Trinity College Dublin in Ireland, previously a Submillimeter Array Postdoctoral Fellow at CfA, who led the study. “Exocometary belts are found in at least 20% of planetary systems, including our own solar system.”
The Kuiper Belt is an example of a cometary belt in the solar system. Located far beyond the orbit of Pluto, some scientists think the Kuiper Belt is the source of water for the inner solar system where Earth is located, delivered through comets billions of years ago.
The new gallery shows a remarkable diversity of structure in the belts. Some are narrow rings, while others are wider and could be categorized more as “disks” than “belts.”
Moreover, some of the 74 exocomet systems have multiple rings or disks and some of those are “eccentric,” meaning they do not follow a circular orbit, but one that is more oval. This provides evidence that planets, or perhaps moons, which have so far been undetectable, are present and that their gravity affects the distribution of pebbles in these systems.
“Arrays like the ALMA and SMA used in this work are extraordinary tools that are continuing to give us incredible new insights into the universe and its workings,” said Smithsonian astrophysicist David Wilner, a co-author from CfA. “The REASONS survey required a large community effort and has an incredible legacy value, with multiple potential pathways for future investigation.”
The REASONS dataset of belt and planetary system properties will enable studies of the birth and evolution of these belts, as well as follow-up observations across the wavelength range, from the James Webb Space Telescope to the next generation of Extremely Large Telescopes and ALMA’s plans to zoom even further into the details of these belts.
SMA is an eight-dish array of radio telescopes near the summit of Maunakea in Hawaii, which is operated by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory as part of CfA. The ALMA is a 66-dish array in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile.
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The Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian is a collaboration between Harvard and the Smithsonian designed to ask—and ultimately answer—humanity's greatest unresolved questions about the nature of the universe. The Center for Astrophysics is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with research facilities across the U.S. and around the world.
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