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How Are Those New Year’s Resolutions Going?

January 5, 2017
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Animation of exercising girl scout
"Scouting for Girls: Official Handbook of the Girl Scouts." The Girl Scouts Inc., 1920; Smithsonian Libraries

How Are Those New Year’s Resolutions Going?

If getting more exercise was one of your new year’s resolutions, take a page from the 1920 Scouting for Girls: Official Handbook of the Girl Scouts, which is in the Smithsonian Libraries’ collections. The handbook covers Girl Scout history and principles, drills, woodcraft, camping, nature study, mapmaking, merit badges—and exercise.

The Girl Scout in the animated GIF above is doing one of several “setting up” exercises pictured in the book. “Taking exercise” is number two of the five points of health listed in the handbook, which also include: stand tall; rest and conserve energy; supply daily need for air, sun, water and food; and keep clean—all of which might be reasonable resolutions.